Submit the Employer Interest Form

LAEP is NOT able to accept new Employer Interest Forms at this time
- Please review the Learn about LAEP and Employer Position Criteria pages BEFORE Applying.
- You will need your organization's Federal ID number, a job description for the proposed position, and the contact information for the position's supervisor.
- If you already are connected with a LAEP eligible student, please provide their contact information with the Interest Form.
- Submitting an Employer Interest Form does not guarantee participation. LAEP Positions are approved on an individual basis.
Additional Instructions:
- Fill out as much as the form as possible to ensure a timely and effective response from our LAEP Coordinator.
- If you need assistance filling out the interest form, please contact our LAEP Coordinator
- LAEP Interest Forms will be reviewed by the LAEP Coordinator and an email will be sent once the review is complete. This may take up to one week or longer depending on the number of Interest Forms received.
How will I know if my position is approved?
You will receive an email confirming your position approval after the LAEP Coordinator reviews your Interst Form.
Can my LAEP employee start working before I receive the confirmation?
You must go through the LAEP employer onboarding process prior to beginning any work under the LAEP grant. It is up to you, the employer, as to when your LAEP student will begin, however, the student's wage reimbursement will not begin until after all agreements have been completed and signed.
Contact SRJC's LAEP Coordinator for more information.