FALL 2024
(scroll down the page for summer 2024 information)

Unpaid Volunteer/Paid Work: 52.5 hours = 1 unit

  • WEE 95 - Volunteer Service (CI 51 - WEE 95)   
  • WEE 97 - Work Experience Education (WRKEX 97 - WEE 97) 
  • WEE 99i - Internship (WEOC 99i - WEE 99i)

Example: If you average working 10 hours/week you qualify for the 3 unit section for a total of 158 hours worked from 8/19 - 12/20

Welcome to Work Experience Education at Santa Rosa Junior College. Our courses offer a unique opportunity for students to earn college credit while gaining valuable real-world experience in a job, internship, or volunteer position. Whether your placement is paid or unpaid, in-person, virtual, or hybrid, you can participate and receive credit.


  • Explore Career Pathways: Supported by faculty, students can explore various career pathways and gain insights into their professional interests.
  • Develop Professional Skills: Our courses focus on developing essential professional skills such as teamwork, effective communication, time management, adaptability, and problem-solving.
  • Bridge Classroom Learning with Real-World Experience: Internship courses bridge classroom learning and practical work, directly related to students' majors.
  • Enhance Employability: Students acquire desirable work habits, attitudes, career awareness, and other skills crucial for success in both college and future careers.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Placements: Paid, unpaid, or volunteer placements in any field are eligible.
  • Credit Opportunities: Earn college credit applicable to certificate and degree requirements.
  • CSU-Transferable: Units earned through our courses can be applied towards California State University (CSU) program transfer requirements.


(June 10 - August 8)

*Students must have secured a volunteer opportunity, and have a job or internship to enroll.

Unpaid Volunteer: 52.5 hours worked = 1 unit
Paid Work: 75 hours = 1 unit

  • CI 51 - Community Engagement
  • WRKEX 97 - Work Experience
  • WEOC 99i - Internship

(CI 51) WEE 95 - Volunteer (An Add Code Is Required For This Course)

Contact the SRJC Volunteer Coordinator for volunteer opportunities / add code:
Laurie Bacci 
EMAIL: lbacci@santarosa.edu

  • Orientation Meeting with Community Engagement Coordinator
  • Develop Three Learning Goals for Volunteer Experience
  • Evaluation of Learning Goals by Volunteer Supervisor
  • Resume including Volunteer Experience
  • Career Activity
  • Reflective Essay
  • Volunteer Hours Timesheet Submission with Signatures

(WRKEX 97) WEE 97 Work Experience Education

*All assignments are located online in the Canvas course shell and are to be completed online.  The two required meetings with your assigned Work Experience Instructor will be in person if your position resides within Sonoma County.

  • Employer Agreement Form (your job supervisor must agree to participate in the course - Employer Agreement Form to be completed at the start of the course.)
  • Orientation
  • Career Skills Assessment
  • Create 3 Work Goals with your Job Supervisor
  • Meet with your assigned Work Experience Instructor
  • Resume
  • Career Activity
  • Self-Reflection Essay

Contact for more information, Work Experience faculty, Kim Kinahan,  kkinahan@santarosa.edu

WEOC 99i Internship - an add code is required for this course.

(Your major or certificate relates directly to your internship and you have completed 1-2 semesters of major/certificate coursework)

  • If you have secured your internship complete this form to receive an add code: Internship Add Code Form
  • Looking for an internship, contact the Career Hub front desk to make an appointment with Lauralyn Larsen, Internship Coordinator, llarsen@santarosa.edu

*All assignments are located online in the Canvas course shell and are to be completed online.  The two required meetings with your assigned Work Experience Instructor will be in person if your position resides within Sonoma County.

  • Employer Agreement Form (your job supervisor must agree to participate in the course - Employer Agreement Form to be completed at the start of the course.)
  • Orientation
  • Career Skills Assessment
  • Create 3 Work Goals with your Job Supervisor
  • Meet with your assigned Work Experience Instructor
  • Resume
  • Project or Career Activity
  • Self-Reflection Essay