LAEP On Campus



LAEP is currently serving ALL SRJC for-credit programs of study.


What is LAEP? 

LAEP = "Learning-Aligned Employment Program"

LAEP is a California Work Study program designed to get eligible students paid work experiences that relate to their program of study. Work experiences can include jobs and internships both on-campus at SRJC and off-campus with companies licensed in the state of California. 

LAEP is NOT limited to Career Education programs. It is currently open to ALL for-credit programs of study at SRJC.


Five Reasons to Know More About LAEP:

1. LAEP is an equity program

LAEP is an equity program designed to provide eligible students from historically disadvantaged groups paid work experiences in their programs of study that help offset the costs of their education. 

2. LAEP is designed to get students working in their fields of study 

This is an equity-driven grant geared to support disproportionately impacted students. Please review the "Eligibility" page for more details. 

3. LAEP connects potential employers to students

The purpose of LAEP is to get students paid work experience related to their fields of study. This helps students network with employers who can potentially provide full time employment opportunities after college. 

4. LAEP can support faculty research

LAEP funds can provide SRJC faculty and departments with a significant portion of the gross wages of student employees. Faculty looking for support with research endeavors are encouraged to learn more about this program. 

5. LAEP is Evolving

We are in the early stages of shaping what the LAEP program is for SRJC students and how we can most effectively use this grant money to support SRJC students in gaining more paid work experience. SRJC community participation is encouraged to continue developing this program. 


>> Learn more about the LAEP Grant. 

>> Share LAEP with your students and employer community

>> Look at how LAEP students may be able to support your department and research endeavors


Contact SRJC's LAEP Coordinator for more information.